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About doctor Oksana Averyavnova

  • Highest category;
  • Availability of the scientific degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences;
  • Work experience of more than 37 years.

Doctor’s specialty

  • Treatment of glaucoma;
  • Treatment of macular degeneration;
  • Treatment of lacrimal pathologies;
  • Treatment of keratoconus;
  • Otokeratology;
  • Oncoophthalmology.

Membership in medical associations

  • 2010

    Member of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons

  • 2011

    Member of the World Association of Orthokeratology

Achievements and awards

  • 2019

    Editor-in-Chief of the World of Ophthalmology magazine

  • 2017

    Head of the Scientific and Methodological Center for Refractive Therapy in the CIS countries

  • 2017

    Official Consultant of Clinical Research - Clinical Research Consultant from Paragon (USA)

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    Full-time or remote consultation of a doctor in a chosen clinic. Leave your request and the coordinating doctor will contact you, who will agree on the date and time, the format of the appointment, and will also issue an invoice for making an online payment.