Andreas Hufnagel
Specialty: Neurologist
Experience: 35 years
Clinic: Essen University Hospital
Admission fee: from 750$
Specialty: Neurologist
Experience: 35 years
Clinic: Essen University Hospital
Admission fee: from 750$
Prof. Andreas Hufnagel is a top-level specialist at the Essen Clinic. He teaches students, supervises doctoral students and scientific projects.
He is the managing director of the neurological center. This center is dedicated to advanced medical education and clinical research.
Visit to the Albert Einstein Gymnasium in Groß-Biberau.
One-year student exchange in Lexington, USA.
Practical year (partial surgery) in Wellington / New Zealand as a Fellow of the German Academic Exchange Service.
Study of Medicine at the Justus Liebig University of Giessen.
Doctorate in Human Medicine.
License to practice medicine - ECFMG Certificate (US Final Exam);
Research Assistant at the Neurosurgical University Hospital of Giessen;
Scientist at the Hospital for Epileptology Bonn;
Scientist at the Academy of Psychiatric Hospital Bonn;
Specialist in neurology;
Habilitation on the topic: "Physical and pharmacological activation of the epileptic focus" and award for the subject of neurology;
Senior Physician at the University Clinic for Epileptology Bonn;
Third place in the list of successors of the Department of Neurology;
Rehabilitation and presentation of the Venia Legendi award at the Clinic of Essen;
Title of Professor of Neurology;
Foundation of the Center for Epilepsy Surgery in Bern;
Recognition of elective supplementary education: Special Neurological Intensive Care of the North Rhine Medical Association;
Member of the committee of the German Society of Neurology, development of recommendations for epilepsy and revision of all other recommendations;
Called to the position of Adjunct Professor of Neurology in Western Ontario, London, Canada;
Medical Association of the North for the additional designation "Special Pain Relief Therapy";
Senior Consultant and Permanent Deputy Director of the Neurological University Clinic in Essen.
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