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Doctors nephrologists in China

More than 32 doctors of different specialties and directions ready to help you
Oleksandr Horetskyi Jr.
Poland, Świebodzice
Total work experience: 7 years
Doctor's specialization
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Oleksandr Horetskyi
Poland, Świebodzice
Total work experience: 35 years
Doctor's specialization
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Total work experience: 49 years
Doctor's specialization
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Dinesh Khullar
India, Delhi
Total work experience: 31 years
Doctor's specialization
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Jan Dolezel
Czech Republic, Velke Meziříčí
Total work experience: 42 years
Doctor's specialization
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The best clinics for the treatment of Nephrology

Ozan Ozkaya
Turkey, Istanbul
Total work experience: 32 years
Doctor's specialization
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Mehmet Tasdemir
Turkey, Istanbul
Total work experience: 12 years
Doctor's specialization
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Himmet Bora Uslu
Turkey, Istanbul
Total work experience: 24 years
Doctor's specialization
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Tony Carram
Israel, Haifa
Total work experience: 22 years
Doctor's specialization
Consultation cost
from 600 USD
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Ihor Rodin
Ukraine, Kyiv
Total work experience: 44 years
Doctor's specialization
Consultation cost
from 30 USD
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10 doctors of 32 Show more

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