Doctors intensive therapy in
More than 28 doctors of different specialties and directions ready to help you
Halil Ozguc
Clinic: Private Medicabil Hospital
Total work experience: 31 years
Doctor's specialization
Abut Kebudi
Turkey, Istanbul
Clinic: Okan University Hospital
Total work experience: 44 years
Doctor's specialization
Umut Rıza Gunduz
Clinic: Soraca Med Clinic
Total work experience: 14 years
Doctor's specialization
Ofer Yossepowitch
Israel, Tel-Aviv
Total work experience: 26 years
Doctor's specialization
Jan Dolezel
Czech Republic, Velke Meziříčí
Clinic: Hospital of St. Zdislava
Total work experience: 42 years
Doctor's specialization
The best clinics for the treatment of Surgery
Jaroslav Tvaruzek
Czech Republic, Velke Meziříčí
Clinic: Hospital of St. Zdislava
Total work experience: 31 years
Doctor's specialization
Oleksandr Nerovnia
Ukraine, Kyiv
Total work experience: 12 years
Doctor's specialization
Orhan Yagmurkaya
Clinic: Adatip Hospital
Total work experience: 18 years
Doctor's specialization
M. Abdussamet Bozkurt
Turkey, Istanbul
Clinic: LIV Hospitals
Total work experience: 15 years
Doctor's specialization
Himmet Bora Uslu
Turkey, Istanbul
Clinic: University hospital LIV Istinye
Total work experience: 24 years
Doctor's specialization
10 doctors of 28
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