Yurii Flomin
Specialty: Neurologist
Experience: 28 years
Clinic: Clinic Oberig
Admission fee: from 47$
Specialty: Neurologist
Experience: 28 years
Clinic: Clinic Oberig
Admission fee: from 47$
Yurii Flomin is the head of the stroke center of Oberig’s clinic. He is a Candidate of Medical Sciences and Honored Doctor of Ukraine with 24 years of work experience.
Yurii Flomin works in the following areas:
Work experience
Kharkiv Medical Institute, Faculty of General Medicine;
Internship at the Department of Neuropathology and Neurosurgery, Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education;
Internship at the Department of Clinical Neurology, Medical University of Vienna;
Education at the Stroke Summer School of the European Stroke Initiative in Austria;
Internship in the Acute Stroke Team, Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada;
Internship in the stroke unit of the hospital, John Radcliffe University of Oxford, Oxford, England.
Academic title of Associate Professor;
Delegate from Ukraine in the project of increase and improvement of the stroke treatment, which is implemented by the European Stroke Association;
Received the award "Honored Doctor of Ukraine";
Member of the Board of the NGO "Ukrainian Stroke Association";
Expert of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine in the direction of Stroke Care;
Has been a speaker at four National Congresses on Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, National and Local Conferences.
Author and co-author of over 150 scientific articles, 2 inventions.
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