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Volodymyr Palamarchuk

Volodymyr Palamarchuk

Specialty: Oncologist, Otolaryngologist

Experience: 39 years

Admission fee: To be clarified

About doctor Volodymyr Palamarchuk

Volodymyr Palamarchuk is an ENT oncologist, has the highest qualification category in the specialties «otolaryngology» and «oncotolaryngology», is the Head of the ENT department of the Oncology Department at the Institute of Otolaryngology named after of prof. O.S. Kolomiychenko of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine. He is an expert in the field of surgical treatment of oncological pathologies of the larynx, engaged in scientific activities in the field of enzyme therapy of radiation complications and tumor biotherapy.

Doctor’s specialty

Volodymyr Palamarchuk specializes in:

  • Surgical operations of the larynx and trachea;
  • Prevention and treatment of radiation complications;
  • Biotherapy of tumors.

Doctor’s education

  • Graduated from the Kiev Medical Institute named after A. A. Bogomolets;

  • Defense of the candidate's thesis on the topic “Enzyme therapy with territylin of wounds and radiation complications in patients with laryngeal cancer.

Achievements and awards

  • Head of ENT Department of Oncological Department at the Institute of Otolaryngology named after Professor A.S. Kolomiychenko of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine;

  • Author and co-author of more than 130 scientific articles and theses, regularly participates in scientific events.

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