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Tetiana Kadnikova

Tetiana Kadnikova

Specialty: Oncologist, Oncohematologist

Experience: 24 years

Clinic: National Cancer Institute

Admission fee: To be clarified

About doctor Tetiana Kadnikova

Tetiana Kadnikova is a professor in hematology and the Head of the Oncohematology Department at the National Cancer Institute. Her area of expertise is the treatment of lymphomas and anemia.

The main directions of scientific and practical activities of Dr. Kadnikova:

  • Diagnosis and treatment of lymphomas;
  • Diagnosis and treatment of multiple myeloma;
  • Diagnosis and treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia;
  • Diagnosis and treatment of Hodgkin’s lymphoma;
  • Anemia in oncology;
  • Concomitant therapy in cancer patients.

Medical experience:

2008 – to present – National Cancer Institute (entered as an intern and worked until she received the position of head of the department of oncohematology, wrote candidate and doctoral dissertations).

Doctor’s specialty

The main activities of Dr. Kadnikova are:

  • Radionuclide diagnostics of oncological diseases;
  • Application of new radiopharmaceuticals;
  • Treatment of malignant tumors with the use of radionuclides.

Doctor’s education

  • Medical Faculty of the Kyiv State Medical Institute.

Membership in medical associations

  • ESMO;

  • ESO;

  • EHA.

Achievements and awards

  • Author of 86 publications in domestic and foreign journals;

  • Annual participation in specialized conferences and congresses, seminars, practice-oriented training courses as a listener and speaker;

  • Author of 12 oral presentations.

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