Ivan Protsenko
Specialty: Pediatric neurosurgeon
Experience: 42 years
Clinic: Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine
Admission fee: To be clarified
Specialty: Pediatric neurosurgeon
Experience: 42 years
Clinic: Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine
Admission fee: To be clarified
Ivan Protsenko is a pediatric oncosurgeon of the highest qualification category, Candidate of medical Sciences. Over many years of practice, Dr. Protsenko has performed thousands of successful neurosurgical operations on pediatric patients of different ages. In his work, Ivan Petrovich actively uses innovative technologies and modern equipment, including:
Responsibility, high professionalism and dedication to his work allowed Ivan Protsenko to receive a lot of positive feedback from grateful patients.
The main directions of Dr. Protsenko’s clinical practice are:
Phakomatoses: tuberous sclerosis, pharmacoresistant and focal cortical epilepsy.One of the numerous scientific interests of Ivan Protsenko are:
Neurosurgeon at Sumy Regional Hospital;
Neurosurgeon at the Kiev Emergency Hospital;
Neurosurgeon and Pediatric neurosurgeon at the Institute of Neurosurgery. acad. Romodanova NAMN of Ukraine.
In addition to clinical practice, Nikolai Petrovich is actively engaged in scientific activities, regularly publishes articles in scientific medical publications. In 2002 , he defended his PhD thesis on the topic: "Treatment of hydrocephalus in children under the age of one year".
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