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About doctor Oleh Leliak

The doctor carries out:

  • Monitoring and accompanying pregnant patients;
  • Management of pregnant women with extragenital pathology;
  • Treatment of abnormal conditions of the cervix using innovative methods: conservative, radio wave, argon plasma;
  • Treatment of endometrial inflammation and sexually transmitted infections
  • Therapy of menstrual irregularities;
  • Colposcopy;
  • Metrosalpingography.

The doctor performs a wide range of gynecological operations:

  • Removal of vaginal and Bartholin gland cysts;
  • Conservative myomectomy;
  • Amputation and extirpation of the uterus;
  • Stopping pregnancy at any time;
  • Labiaplasty;
  • Delivery in breech presentation and twins;
  • Cesarean section;
  • Minimally invasive perineoplasty using threads;
  • Intimate contouring and plasmolifting;
  • Operations on the uterine appendages;
  • Anterior and posterior colporrhaphy with reneolevatoroplasty;
  • Management of normal and complicated labor;
  • Gynecological ultrasound;
  • Vacuum extraction of the fetus;
  • Laser cosmetology;
  • Hysteroresectoscopy: removal of polyps, synechiae, submucous leiomyomas and intrauterine septa;
  • Diagnostic hysteroscopy;
  • Providing emergency care for obstetric bleeding.


2016 – Obstetrician-gynecologist, head of the gynecological department in Kyiv;

2018 – Head of the department of antenatal clinics Kyiv, operating obstetrician-gynecologist.

Doctor’s education

  • 2014

    Received higher medical education at the University of Bogomolets.

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