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Nataliia Tsip

Nataliia Tsip

Specialty: Oncologist, Oncogynecologist

Experience: 34 years

Clinic: National Cancer Institute

Admission fee: To be clarified

About doctor Nataliia Tsip

Nataliia Tsip is an oncological gynecologist, a leading researcher at the National Cancer Institute of Ukraine. She is a doctor with extensive practical experience in the treatment of oncogynecological diseases, and deep knowledge in the field of:

  • Therapy of gestational trophoblastic disease;
  • Treatment of gynecological cancer during pregnancy;
  • Carrying out fertility-preserving operations for gynecological cancer;
  • Immunotherapy of oncogynecological diseases.

Medical experience

  • 1995 – to present – Oncogynecologist, leading researcher at the National Cancer Institute, consultations, diagnosis and treatment of patients with oncogynecological diseases, research activities in oncology;
  • 2017 – to present – Lecturer, Professor of the Department of Oncology at the National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (NMAPE) named after P.L. Shupyk, conducting lectures and seminars for doctors specializing in oncogynecology;
  • 2022 – Oncogynecologist at the private clinic Dobrobut, Kyiv.

Doctor’s specialty

Nataliia Tsip specializes in:

  • Treatment and follow-up of patients with gestational trophoblastic tumors;
  • Carrying out radical hysterectomy types A-C;
  • Performing fertility-preserving gynecological surgeries.

In addition, the doctor has developed a unique method of resection and reconstruction of the uterus in chemoresistant gestational trophoblastic neoplasia.

Doctor’s education

  • 1990

    Faculty of Medicine of the Uzhhorod National University, specialty “Medicine”;

  • 1995

    Candidate of Medical Sciences Diploma in Oncology, Institute of Oncology of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine;

  • 2013

    Diploma of Doctor of Medical Sciences in Oncology, National Cancer Institute.

Advanced training courses

  • 1995

    Slodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Center, European Courses of Oncogynecology (2 weeks);

  • 1999

    International Gynecological Oncological Society, International Courses on Gynecological Oncology (2 weeks);

  • 2017

    Kharkiv Academy of Postgraduate Education. Colposcopy in the diagnosis and treatment of precancerous conditions and cancers of the uterus, vagina and vulva (2 weeks);

  • 2017

    University of California, COURSERA, Genomic and Precision Medicine (7 weeks);

  • 2018

    European Society of Colposcopy, Advanced Course “Colposcopy” (2 days);

  • 2018

    National Research Institute of Evidence-Based Medicine and Good Clinical Practice Current research methodology in medicine (1 month).

Membership in medical associations

  • International Gynecological Cancer Society (IGCS);

  • European Society of Gynecological Oncology (ESGO);

  • European Organization for the Treatment of Trophoblastic Diseases (EOTTD);

  • International Association of Surgeons, Gastroenterologists and Oncologists (IASGO);

  • EOTTD Innovation Committee;

  • Committee for exams in the specialization "oncology";

  • NCI Academic Council.

Achievements and awards

  • Author and co-author of 140 publications, 7 patents and 4 monographs on minimally invasive technologies in oncology and surgery, fertility-preserving operations in oncogynecology, radiofrequency hyperthermia, treatment of vulvar and ovarian cancer, oncoimmunology;

  • Facilitator, National BRCA1/2 testing program for ovarian cancer patients, selection and harmonization of patient cohorts, educational seminars for physicians;

  • Medical director of the youth project, review and selection of educational materials on HPV and first aid for 9th grade students.

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