Nataliia Lisovska
Specialty: Oncologist
Experience: 29 years
Clinic: Spizhenko Clinic
Admission fee: from 34$
Specialty: Oncologist
Experience: 29 years
Clinic: Spizhenko Clinic
Admission fee: from 34$
Nataliia Lisovska is an oncologist and oncosurgeon of the highest qualification category with a medical work experience of over 25 years, a candidate of medical sciences.
The doctor combines medical practice with research work. She regularly participates in international clinical trials. The doctor is a regular participant in medical forums, congresses and conferences.
Work experience:
Doctor’s specialization:
Diploma of general practitioner of Gorky Donetsk National Medical University.
Clinical residency in obstetrics and gynecology at the Gorky Donetsk National Medical University.
Postgraduate specialization in oncology and surgery at the Gorky Donetsk National Medical University.
Postgraduate specialization in oncology and surgery at the Gorky Donetsk National Medical University.
Degree “Candidate of medical sciences” in oncology.
Postgraduate specialization in oncology and surgery at the Gorky Donetsk National Medical University.
Diploma of an oncologist of the highest category of Gorky Donetsk National Medical University.
Diploma of physiotherapist at the Gorky Donetsk National Medical University.
Training on GCP (Good Clinical Practice), Kyiv.
Courses on ultrasound diagnostics of superficial organs, Donetsk.
Courses on ozone therapy, Odessa.
Primary specialization in physiotherapy and rehabilitation, Donetsk.
Training on GCP (Good Clinical Practice), Astana, Kazakhstan.
Specialization in rehabilitation, Astana.
Training on GCP (Good Clinical Practice), Kyiv.
Clinical internship, Cambridge, university hospital, department of oncology.
Member of the European society for medical oncology (ESMO).
Member of the American society of clinical oncology (ASCO).
Member of the Society for cancer immunotherapy (SITC).
Possesses the knowledge and skills of conducting various methods of treating benign and malignant neoplasms.
Defense of a thesis in oncology. Obtaining the academic degree “Candidate of Medical Sciences”.
Highest qualification category in oncology.
Author of over 50 scientific papers and 12 patents for inventions, 2 textbooks.
Social activist.
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