Mehmet Faik Cetindag
Specialty: Radiologist
Experience: 35 years
Clinic: Medipol University Hospital
Admission fee: from 120$
Specialty: Radiologist
Experience: 35 years
Clinic: Medipol University Hospital
Admission fee: from 120$
Mehmet Faik Çetindag is a radiotherapist with over 30 years of experience. The doctor works in the Department of Radiation Oncology, Medipol clinic, Istanbul, Turkey. He specializes in head and neck cancers. His last medical publication is children with rhabdomyosarcoma of the bladder and prostate.
2010 — 2016 – Scientific center named after Ataturk, Turkey;
1993 — 2009 – Ankara cancer hospital;
1991 — 1992 – Numune clinic.
Specialization in the field of radiation oncology;
Hacettepe University, Faculty of medicine.
Articles have been published in 22 international and 6 national peer-reviewed journals;
Reports presented and published at 14 international scientific conferences;
Papers presented at 71 national scientific meetings and published in the collection of works;
2 peer-reviewed publications.
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