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Maryna Huliaieva

Maryna Huliaieva

Specialty: Rehabilitologist

Experience: 33 years

Clinic: Clinic Oberig

Admission fee: from 26$

About doctor Maryna Huliaieva

Maryna Huliaieva is a honored doctor of Ukraine with 30 years of medical experience. She is the Head of the scientific and organizational department of the Stroke center at the Oberig universal clinic. Administrative director of the Ukrainian Association for the Fight Against Stroke.

Doctor’s specialty

The main activity of a doctor is to use rational operating procedures to improve stroke care. Doctor Huliaieva deals with the implementation in clinical practice of an individual selection of a complex of physical, mental and social rehabilitation for patients.

Work experience

  • Until 2003 – Pediatric anesthesiologist at the Intensive care unit of Ohmatdyt;
  • 2005 – Director of the Ukrainian Association for the Fight Against Stroke;
  • 2009 – Head of the scientific and organizational department of the Stroke center of the Oberig universal clinic.

Doctor’s education

  • 1991

    Bogomolets National Medical University, speciality pediatrics;

  • 1994

    Clinical residency in the specialty Pediatric anesthesiology at National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (NMAPE) named after P.L. Shupyk, Kyiv;

  • 2005

    International institute of management "MIM - Kyiv", speciality management and marketing;

  • 2013

    Internship in Canada at the Foothills medical center stroke service;

  • 2016

    Training in Germany at the Stroke center of the Minden medical clinic, Kearney County Health Services.

Membership in medical associations

  • Member of the European Stroke Organization;

  • Member of the World Stroke Association.

Achievements and awards

  • Participant of medical scientific congresses, trainings in Ukraine and abroad;

  • Head of the Ukrainian educational and preventive program for the population and specialists "Stop Stroke";

  • Editor of the specialized publication for the population "Stop Stroke".

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