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Marianna Zahorodna

Marianna Zahorodna

Specialty: Ophthalmologist, Pediatric ophthalmologist

Experience: 18 years

Clinic: Ocular Ophthalmology Clinic

Admission fee: To be clarified

About doctor Marianna Zahorodna

Marianna Zahorodna is an ophthalmologist of the highest qualification category, a pediatric ophthalmologist of the second category, she is a specialist in customized contact correction.

Doctor’s specialty

The doctor specializes in diagnosing and treating visual impairments in adults and children.

The main directions of Dr. Zahorodna are the treatment of:

  • myopia;
  • farsightedness (hypermetropia);
  • astigmatism;
  • presbyopia.

In addition, the doctor specializes in myopia control and contact correction of all types of refractive errors.

The doctor also selects orthokeratological and scleral lenses.

Doctor’s education

  • Certificate of medical specialist in the specialty “Ophthalmology”, P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education.

  • Certificate of a medical specialist for the assignment of the highest qualification category “Ophthalmology”, issued by the Department of Kyiv Regional Military Administration.

  • Certificate of a medical specialist for the assignment of the second qualification category “Pediatric Ophthalmology”, issued by the Department of Kyiv Regional Military Administration.

Advanced training courses

  • 2018

    Certificate of participation in the 36th Ophthalmological Congress, Barcelona, Spain;

  • 2019

    The 2st East European Global Retinal Network Program Symposium;

  • 2021

    Certificate of training on the topic "Fundamentals of OCT diagnostics";

  • 2021

    Certificate in training on the topic “Disturbances in the functioning of the accommodation and vergence systems. Vision therapy”;

  • 2021

    Certificate in the training program in orthokeratology "SwissLens".

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