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About doctor Ivan Protsenko

Ivan Protsenko is a pediatric oncosurgeon of the highest qualification category, Candidate of medical Sciences. Over many years of practice, Dr. Protsenko has performed thousands of successful neurosurgical operations on pediatric patients of different ages. In his work, Ivan Petrovich actively uses innovative technologies and modern equipment, including:

  • Surgical microscopes that allow performing the most complex microsurgical interventions on the brain and spinal cord;
  • Endoscopic equipment for minimally invasive neurosurgical operations;
  • Preoperative and intraoperative neuronavigation, including ultrasound navigation for the most accurate and less traumatic intervention;
  • Modern coagulation and aspiration devices that minimize blood loss during surgery;
  • Ultrasonic destructor, which helps to remove brain tumors as much as possible and safely;
  • Mectron electric craniotome and piezoelectric apparatus designed for dissection of skull bones during reconstructive cranioplasty in patients with craniosynostoses and defects of the skull bones.

Responsibility, high professionalism and dedication to his work allowed Ivan Protsenko to receive a lot of positive feedback from grateful patients.

Doctor’s specialty

The main directions of Dr. Protsenko’s clinical practice are:

  • Congenital anomalies of the central nervous system: Arnold-Chiari anomaly, Dandy-Walker anomaly, encephalocele, bifid spin, meningocele, dermal sinus, arachnoid cyst, craniosynostosis, brachycephaly, Cruson syndrome, Apert syndrome, etc.;
  • Hydrocephalus: congenital, posthemorrhagic, post-inflammatory, occlusive, resorptive;
  • Brain and spinal cord tumors: craniopharyngioma, pinealoma, pineoblastoma, teratomas, dermoid, germinoma, brain stem tumor, brain ventricular tumors, cerebellar tumors, suprasellar tumors, neoplasms of the spine and cranial nerves;
  • Inflammatory diseases: intracranial abscess, abscess of the brain and spinal cord, intracranial empyema, intravertebral abscesses and granulomas;
  • Vascular diseases: hemorrhagic stroke, acute cerebrovascular accident, intragastric hemorrhage, intracerebral hemangioma, cavernous malformation of the central nervous system, arteriovenous malformations;
  • Brain and spinal cord injuries and their consequences;

Phakomatoses: tuberous sclerosis, pharmacoresistant and focal cortical epilepsy.One of the numerous scientific interests of Ivan Protsenko are:

  • Emergency conditions in long-term postoperative shunt dysfunctions in children with hydrocephalus;
  • Assessment of the quality of life of children with posthemorrhagic hydrocephalus caused by perinatal lesions of the central nervous system;
  • Results of surgical treatment of hydrocephalus caused by perinatal brain lesions in children;
  • The choice of therapeutic tactics for intracranial hemorrhages in newborns;
  • Results of surgical treatment with astrocytes in young children.

Doctor’s education

  • 1983

    Neurosurgeon at Sumy Regional Hospital;

  • 1990

    Neurosurgeon at the Kiev Emergency Hospital;

  • 1991

    Neurosurgeon and Pediatric neurosurgeon at the Institute of Neurosurgery. acad. Romodanova NAMN of Ukraine.

Achievements and awards

  • In addition to clinical practice, Nikolai Petrovich is actively engaged in scientific activities, regularly publishes articles in scientific medical publications. In 2002 , he defended his PhD thesis on the topic: "Treatment of hydrocephalus in children under the age of one year".

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