Ivan Colombo
Specialty: Urologist, Oncourologist, Surgeon
Experience: 36 years
Clinic: Hospital of St. Zdislava
Admission fee: To be clarified
Specialty: Urologist, Oncourologist, Surgeon
Experience: 36 years
Clinic: Hospital of St. Zdislava
Admission fee: To be clarified
Professor Ivan Colombo is the leading surgeon at the Urology Department and the Vysočina Robotic Surgery Center. Dr. Colombo has performed more than 3,000 robotic surgeries using the da Vinci system.
He coordinates and manages programs for the prevention of serious urological diseases and oncological diseases in collaboration with Arcus-Europa Donna – Institute of Experimental Medicine in Prague. The doctor takes part in the electronic form of the medical program “Health”, as well as in cultural and educational programs broadcast on Czech Radio.
The main areas of clinical practice and scientific activity of Dr. Ivan Colombo are:
Military Medical Academy of Charles University - VLA JEP, Hradec Kralove;
First level certification in surgery;
Second level certification in surgery;
First level certification in urology;
Second level certification in urology;
International specialization in urology in Paris.
4th Balkan Symposium on the Application of Endoscopy, University of Trakya, Edirne;
Symposium on ethical principles of scientific research and publications. August 18, 2009, Edirne;
Certificate course from the University of Trakya on the use of experimental animals, Edirne;
The future of breast cancer treatment, Kocaeli;
19th National Surgical Congress, Antalya;
32nd National Gastroenterology Week, Antalya;
32nd National Gastroenterology Week, Postgraduate Education Program, Antalya.
Czech Urological Society (CUS);
European Association of Urology (EAU);
International Society of Urology (SIU);
Czech Society for Oncology (CSO);
Society of Robotic Surgery (SRS);
Czech Surgical Society;
Metabolic Bone Disease Society;
American Urological Association (AUA);
International Society of Andrology.
Author and co-author of more than 150 professional articles, publications and lectures on urogenital infections and uro-oncological issues;
Author of two monographs “Skeletal diseases in uro-oncology” and “Urinary tract infections”;
Regular publications within specialized medical programs in Czech and international specialized journals;
Author and editor of the international team of the new multimedia monograph “Prostate Carcinoma in the Age of Robotics”;
Regularly gives lectures within specialized medical programs (national and international medical symposia - Vancouver, Stockholm, Prague, Budapest, Bratislava, Zagreb, etc.);
Specialized teacher in several postgraduate professional education programs of the Electronic University;
Lectures – professional urological and uro-oncological issues for postgraduate doctors (Institute of Postgraduate Education in Health Care IPVZ and ILF Prague).
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