Ivan Badyin
Experience: 38 years
Clinic: Polyclinic Tara 70
Admission fee: To be clarified
Experience: 38 years
Clinic: Polyclinic Tara 70
Admission fee: To be clarified
Ivan Badyin is a doctor of the highest category, a rehabilitation therapist, a physiotherapist, a candidate of medical sciences, an international teacher, the author of 5 books on massage technologies, the founder of the direction of myoextension in massage and a leader in the author’s school “Soft massage technologies” for teaching aesthetic massage.
Ivan Badyin has been treating and restoring the body with the help of new cellular technologies for over 20 years. In his work, he uses modern technologies such as PRP therapy, plasma therapy and stem cell therapy. Dr. Badyin has extensive experience in the application of cellular technologies in the treatment of diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, cardiovascular and nervous systems.
Dr. Badyin has almost 30 years of experience in participating in and conducting trainings, seminars, courses, conferences. Among his merits:
Dr. Badyin is the author of a Ph.D. thesis on the topic: “Studying the mechanisms of the influence of low doses of nitrates and nitrites on kidney function”, as well as the author of 55 scientific articles and monographs.
Patents of Ukraine
At the defense stage, there is a dissertation for a doctor of medical sciences on the topic: “Complex treatment of skin and spine pathology using regenerative and restorative technologies” (experimental clinical study).
In his interview, Dr. Badyin talks about the achievements and features of regenerative medicine.
The main areas of clinical practice and scientific activity of Dr. Badyin are:
Medical faculty of the Odessa Medical Institute, specialty "General Medicine";
Military medical faculty of the Gorky Medical Institute, specialty "General Medicine";
Internship at the Central Hospital of the Western Group of Armed Forces of the USSR Armed Forces, specialty "doctor-organizer";
Internship at the Central Hospital of the Western Group of Armed Forces of the USSR Armed Forces, specialization in ophthalmology;
Slavic branch of the International Institute of Management, Business and Law of the International Academy of Sciences of San Marino, specialty "marketing";
Faculty of retraining and advanced training of the Ukrainian Military Medical Academy, specialization in dermatology and venereology;
Faculty of retraining and advanced training of the Ukrainian Military Medical Academy, specialization "Physiotherapy";
Crimea State Medical University named after Georgievsky, the highest category in the specialty "Physiotherapy";
Donetsk National Medical University named after M. Gorky, certificate of a specialist in organization and management of health care;
Candidate of Medical Sciences, awarded a scientific degree in the specialty "Pathological Physiology";
Faculty of retraining and advanced training of the Ukrainian Military Medical Academy, specialization "urology";
Ukrainian Research Institute of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine doctoral studies in the specialty "Medical Rehabilitation, Physiotherapy and Balneology";
Faculty of retraining and advanced training of the Ukrainian Military Medical Academy, the highest category in the specialty "dermatovenereology";
Faculty of retraining and advanced training of the Ukrainian Military Medical Academy, the highest category in the specialty "Physiotherapy".
Award "Master of Golden Hands";
Award "Elite of folk medicine";
The highest award in complementary medicine "Master's Star".
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