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Dmytro Maltsev

Dmytro Maltsev

Specialty: Neurologist, Immunologist, Neuroimmunologist

Experience: 21 years

Admission fee: To be clarified

About doctor Dmytro Maltsev

Dmytro Maltsev is a clinical immunologist, neurologist and neuroimmunologist. He has a PhD in Medicine. The doctor is professionally engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the immune system – immunodeficiencies, or immunodeficiency diseases. He is a staunch supporter of the theory of immunodeficiencies in explaining the development of immune-dependent pathology: infectious, autoimmune, allergic.

Dmytro Maltsev believes that with an immune-dependent pathology, it is often possible to find an etiological factor (cause) and prescribe etiotropic treatment (therapy aimed not so much at alleviating symptoms as at eliminating the cause of the disease).

The doctor deals with the problem of opportunistic infections (herpesvirus, toxoplasma, papillomavirus, etc.), paying special attention to herpesvirus infections. He believes that herpesvirus infections, especially herpesvirus types 6 and 7, can cause a number of mental disorders in humans (in particular, chronic fatigue syndrome), and are also involved in the induction of epilepsy.

The area of interest of Dr. Maltsev also includes the study and treatment of the following diseases:

  • autoimmune diseases of the nervous system: multiple sclerosis, multiple encephalomyelitis, optomyelitis;
  • autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder associated with streptococcal infection (PANDAS in children and adults);
  • autoimmune lesions of the peripheral nervous system: Guillain-Barré syndrome, chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, multifocal motor neuropathy;
  • myasthenia gravis and myasthenic syndromes;
  • autoimmune muscle lesions (dermatomyositis, polymyositis, necrotic myopathy);
  • immune-dependent refractory epilepsy;
  • autism spectrum disorders.

Dr. Maltsev is the author of more than 20 scientific monographs on topical issues in such medical fields as clinical immunology, virology, neuroimmunology and immunopsychiatry. Together with colleagues, he developed a textbook on infectious diseases for students of medical universities, and also prepared a unique publication – Atlas of the results of paraclinical studies in herpesvirus neuroinfections, which has no analogues in the world.

To date, the authorship of Dmytro Maltsev owns more than 200 scientific articles published in prestigious domestic and foreign medical journals.

Over the years of work, Dr. Maltsev has made an invaluable contribution to the development of medicine in Ukraine:

  • became the author of a number of clinical studies to improve approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of human herpesvirus infections;
  • proposed a modern clinical and radiological classification of herpesvirus neuroinfections;
  • successfully tested combined antiviral therapy for chronic reactivated infections caused by Epstein-Barr viruses and herpesvirus type 6;
  • described a number of original clinical cases in herpes virus encephalitis and myelitis;
  • improved modern ideas about the relationship of reactivated herpes infections with primary and secondary immunodeficiencies.

And this is only a small part of the clinical and scientific achievements of Dr. Maltsev.

Dmytro Maltsev is active in scientific work. He is a regular participant of thematic conferences, symposiums, congresses held in Ukraine and abroad, in particular in such countries as Great Britain, United Arab Emirates, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Austria, USA. Doctor’s report on isolated IgE deficiency won first place at the international medical forum.

Medical experience

  • 2004 – Neurologist at Vishnevskaya City Hospital;
  • 2007 – Worked at the Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergology of the National Medical University named after Bogomolets;
  • 2008 – Deputy Director of the newly formed Institute of Immunology and Allergology at the NMU named after Bogomolets (Director of the Institute Professor Kazmirchuk V.E.), where under his leadership a number of government-funded scientific studies in the field of neuroimmunology were implemented.
  • 2015 – Head of the Laboratory of Immunology and Molecular Biology of the newly formed Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine of the NMU named after Bogomolets of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, where he still works.

Doctor’s specialty

The main areas of specialization of Dr. Maltsev are:

  • clinical immunology;
  • neuroimmunology;
  • opportunistic infections;
  • immunotherapy;
  • studies on human immunodeficiency diseases.

Doctor’s education

  • 2003

    Graduated with honors from the Bogomolets National Medical University, specializing in medicine;

  • 2004

    Completed an internship in neurology at the Department of Neurology and Reflexology of the PL Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (NMAPE);

  • 2004

    Engaged in the preparation of scientific work at the Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergology of the Bogomolets National Medical University (Head Professor Drannik G.N.);

  • 2006

    Passed the specialization in the specialty "Clinical Immunology" at the PL Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (NMAPE);

  • 2008

    Defended a thesis for the degree of candidate of medical sciences on the topic: "Immune status in patients with simple migraine and the role of herpes viruses in the pathogenesis of the disease."

Advanced training courses

  • 2019

    Thematic improvement in medical genetics in Ukraine and at the Centogene center (Rostock, Germany).

Membership in medical associations

  • Association of Specialists in Neuroimmunology, Immunotherapy and Neurorehabilitation (one of the founders and secretary);

  • European Association of Neurologists (EAN);

  • Ukrainian Society of Specialists in Immunology, Allergology and Immunorehabilitation (UTIAI).

Achievements and awards

  • Author of 16 books on immunology and neuroimmunology, including 1 textbook for medical students and 1 atlas on radiological manifestations of herpesvirus infections;

  • Author of 161 articles in scientific periodicals of Ukraine and foreign countries;

  • More than 100 presentations at scientific conferences;

  • About 30 patents and copyrights for inventions and utility models.

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