Axel Stang
Specialty: Oncologist
Experience: 29 years
Clinic: Hospital network «Asklepios»
Admission fee: from 400$
Specialty: Oncologist
Experience: 29 years
Clinic: Hospital network «Asklepios»
Admission fee: from 400$
Axel Stang is a doctor of the highest category in the departments of hematology, oncology and palliative medicine at the Asklepios clinic Barmbek in Hamburg, Germany. Doctor uses molecular and immune methods to treat tumors.
Dr. Stang is the author of the scientific paper on radiofrequency ablation in the case of metastases in colon cancer. He is part of a group of scientists who are investigating the effects of embolization on the liver.
The professor holds the following positions:
Karlsruhe University of Technology, molecular genetics;
Medical practice license, University of Hamburg;
PhD, Berlin, Charite;
Habilitation, UMCH Budapest;
Professor at the Semmelweis University of Budapest;
Internship at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in the USA.
Internal and General Medicine, Hamburg;
Internal medicine at Asklepios Barmbek;
Hematology and Oncology, Hamburg.
Department of Internal Oncology of the German Cancer Society (AIO);
Association for Interventional Sonography;
German Congress of Hematology and Oncology (DGHO);
German Society for Internal Medicine (DGIM) and Ultrasound (DEGUM);
German Society for Palliative Medicine;
European Community for Medical Oncology (ESMO);
Chairman of the Association for Sonography at Hamburg Internists (ASHI).
ESMO Certification in Medical Oncology;
Asklepios Award for Innovation in Medicine.
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