Antanas Mickevicius
Specialty: Abdominal surgeon
Experience: 25 years
Clinic: Kardiolita Hospital
Admission fee: from 170$
Specialty: Abdominal surgeon
Experience: 25 years
Clinic: Kardiolita Hospital
Admission fee: from 170$
Professor Antanas Mickevicius is an experienced abdominal surgeon in Lithuania, who is among the world’s renowned gastric surgeons. He has over 10 years of clinical experience in upper gastrointestinal and bariatric surgery. Dr. Mickevicius originally trained in bariatric surgery at Sahlgrenska University Hospital (Gothenburg, Sweden). He then trained in bariatric surgery at Whittington Hospital (London, UK).
Antanas Mickevicius currently works as a gastrointestinal consultant and bariatric surgeon in Lithuania and the UK. He is a leading bariatric and upper gastrointestinal surgeon at Kauno Klinikos University Hospital (Kaunas, Lithuania) and Kardiolita Hospital, and works as a consultant bariatric surgeon at Royal Stoke University Hospital (Stoke-on-Trent, UK).
The doctor performs various bariatric surgery operations, gastric bypass surgery, sleeve gastrectomy, and gastric plication. He uses modern minimally invasive laparoscopic techniques.
Every year Antanas Mickevicius performs more than 200 bariatric surgeries in Lithuania and the UK. He is also considered one of the best specialists in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease.
In addition, Dr. Mickevicius trains other surgeons in the field of laparoscopic and bariatric surgery, and is a member of the Lithuanian Bariatric Surgery Society and the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO).
Among the surgical procedures performed by Dr. Mickevicius are the following:
Kaunas Medical Academy;
Doctoral studies at the Clinic of Surgery of Kaunas Medical University.
Lithuanian Bariatric Surgery Society;
International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO);
Association of Lithuanian Surgeons;
European Association for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES).
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