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About doctor Andrii Pavlov

Andrii Pavlov is a neurosurgeon, candidate of medical sciences, specializing in the use of cellular technologies for the treatment of diseases of the nervous system. His professional activity is focused on the diagnosis and treatment of cerebrovascular diseases, traumatic injuries of the nervous system, as well as pathological changes in the spine.

Working at the Institute of Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Andrii Pavlov combines scientific developments with practical activities, making a significant contribution to the development of modern methods of treating neurological diseases.

Doctor’s specialty

Andrii Pavlov uses cellular technologies to treat a wide range of diseases of the nervous system, including:

  • Cerebral palsy (CP) – therapy is aimed at improving motor functions and reducing the severity of spasticity.
  • Multiple sclerosis – stem cell therapy is used to slow the progression of the disease and restore damaged nerve fibers.
  • Parkinson’s disease – stimulation of cell regeneration helps reduce symptoms such as tremors and rigidity.
  • Alzheimer’s disease – therapy is aimed at slowing the development of cognitive impairment and improving quality of life.
  • Consequences of brain injury – the use of stem cells helps restore neural connections and brain function.
  • Peripheral nerve damage – the nerves responsible for sensitivity and movement are restored.
  • Autoimmune diseases of the central nervous system – cell therapy helps reduce inflammation and restore the functions of nerve tissue.
  • Post-stroke rehabilitation – stem cells promote regeneration of damaged areas of the brain and restoration of cognitive and motor functions.
  • Dementia – Therapy improves cognitive abilities and slows the progression of symptoms.
  • AMC therapy is an innovative method used for the regeneration of nerve tissue.
  • Facial nerve paresis – cellular technologies help restore facial expressions and sensitivity.
  • Peripheral nerve damage – promotes regeneration of nerve fibers and elimination of chronic pain.
  • Encephalopathy of various origins – stem cell therapy is used to restore brain functions impaired due to hypoxia, toxic effects or vascular diseases.
  • COVID-19 Recovery – the use of cellular technologies helps to minimize consequences such as cognitive impairment, chronic fatigue and damage to the nervous system.

Each of the listed treatment areas demonstrates high potential in improving the condition of patients, as well as in restoring their quality of life.

Doctor’s education

  • 2006

    Dnipro State Medical University;

  • 2012

    Specialization in neurosurgery at the Dnipro State Medical University based at the Mechnikov Regional Clinical Hospital;

  • 2012

    Master's degree in neurosurgery at the Dnipro State Medical University;

  • 2012

    Master's degree at the Dnipro Regional Institute of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine;

  • 2018

    Defended his thesis.

Advanced training courses

  • 2015

    Practical courses on modern methods of treating spinal pathology at the Institute of Spinal Pathology named after prof. Sitenko of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkiv;

  • 2013

    XV Symposium of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies in Seoul, South Korea;

  • 2014

    XV European Congress of Neurosurgery in Prague, Czech Republic;

  • 2017

    XVI Symposium of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies in Istanbul, Turkey;

  • 2018

    Advanced training courses at the Scientific and Practical Center for Endovascular Neurosurgery of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine;

  • 2019

    Courses on healthcare organization.

Membership in medical associations

  • World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies;

  • American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS);

  • European Association of Neurosurgical Societies;

  • Ukrainian Association of Neurosurgeons.

Achievements and awards

  • Author and co-author of five monographs and twenty scientific articles that reflect modern aspects of diagnosis and treatment of neurosurgical diseases.

  • Head of the public organization "Mechnikov Youth Society". Under his leadership, training in first aid skills was conducted, assistance to victims in the combat zone was organized, and charity projects aimed at supporting the wounded and those in need were implemented.

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