Doctors for treatment of astrocytoma
Guna Proboka
Clinic: Pallas Clinic
Total work experience: 26 years
Doctor's specialization
Inta Jaunalksne
Clinic: Pallas Clinic
Total work experience: 36 years
Doctor's specialization
Metin Guden
Turkey, Istanbul
Clinic: Special Neolife Medical Center
Total work experience: 34 years
Doctor's specialization
The best clinics for the treatment of astrocytoma
Frank Gansauge
Clinic: LDG – Laboratories Dr. Gansauge
Total work experience: 33 years
Doctor's specialization
Kristina Slidievska
Lithuania, Vilnius
Clinic: Biotechnology company Froceth
Total work experience: 21 years
Doctor's specialization
5 doctors of 5
Colorectal surgery
Popular countries for treatment
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